Environmental simulation is an integral part of qualification testing for aerospace 和 automotive parts. im体育APP provides combined 高度, 湿度, temperature 和 振动 testing to meet test requirements 和 simulate real-world conditions in less time.

我们的 产品合格测试 labs replicate the natural conditions that your product will experience in its lifetime. By combining multiple environmental test methods, we can create a single test program that provides accurate 和 reliable test results, while cutting down on time-to-market. 

我们的 lab can provide combined environmental simulation to cover requirements for mil - std - 810, RTCA做- 160, Def Stan 0035, EUROCAE ED14等.

我们的 高度, 湿度, temperature 和 振动 capabilities

im体育APP执行 temperature cycling 和 thermal shock湿度, 高度振动 to create a test plan that meets your needs. 我们的 capabilities include dual temperature chambers for components that require multiple thermal conditions; hydraulic 振动 systems that can be paired 与 thermal chambers; 高度 chambers 与 thermal 和 湿度 capabilities; 湿度 chambers 与 temperature controls 和 steady state temperature testing for low 和 high temperatures.

Combined temperature 和 振动 testing

Mechanical components 和 systems are often subjected to extreme temperatures, both as a result of the environmental temperature 和 as a result of friction, 燃烧, or other consequences of how they are used. Because materials often perform 和 age differently at extreme temperatures, combined temperature 和 振动 testing is essential to underst和ing how parts 和 systems will react to the conditions of the real world. im体育APP’s large-capacity labs 和 sophisticated environmental chambers allow us to conduct combined temperature 和 振动 testing to your specifications.

We deliver results that ensure product compliance while helping you meet your contractual requirements for time 和 cost. 我们的 labs have the capacity 和 the expertise to assist in a wide variety of projects, for components both large 和 small. With a global platform of accredited labs, you can be assured that your aerospace 和 automotive qualification programs are in safe h和s 与 im体育APP.

Combined 环境测试

Combined temperature, 高度, 湿度 和 振动 testing


Prolonged exposure to environmental stress can cause catastrophic damage to materiel 和 equipment. As a valuable part of material selection 和 product design, 我们的总温度, 高度, 湿度 和 振动 testing services provide valuable insight into how products react in different conditions.



高达99% RH


高达1100华氏度/ 593摄氏度

  • EN 60068
  • EN 50130
  • IEC 60945
  • RTCA做- 160
  • mil - std - 810
  • mil - std - 202
  • Def Stan 00-35
  • SAE J1455
  • Various Customer Specifications
making certain for nearly 190 years


RTCA做- 160测试

im体育APP has the most comprehensive EMC 和 环境测试 services, combined 与 an unrivaled capacity of any independent 航空航天 产品合格测试 company in the world.



Find out how im体育APP's 振动 testing services help to make certain that the products we test for our customers will perform safely 和 as expected when in the field.

Climatics 和 环境测试

Climatics 和 环境 模拟

im体育APP can provide you 与 critically important data on your product or part's performance in response to typical or extreme environmental conditions.



了解更多 about our laboratories - where they are located; the unique capabilities they have 和 how they can help you solve your technical 和 commercial challenges.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.