关于im体育APP 弗里蒙特

im体育APP 弗里蒙特 is a world-class product compliance and regulatory 实验室oratory. 和我们的妹妹 im体育APP纽瓦克 实验室, 我们为湾区提供全方位的服务, 包括EMI / EMC, 产品安全, 无线/广播, 有线电信, 环境测试, 冲击和振动, 热应力, 国际批准, 和更多的.




领导EMI / EMC测试

As the Bay Area’s premier product compliance and regulatory 实验室oratory, im体育APP 弗里蒙特 helps customers save time and money by helping them achieve compliance requirements quickly and efficiently.  We enable you to bring products to the global markets without delay. By providing everything from pre-compliance testing to 国际批准, we are the ultimate one-stop shop for compliance and regulatory testing.  im体育APP服务于航空航天, 空间与卫星, 电信, 医疗, 汽车, 国防, 物联网, 以及消费电子im体育平台app下载.


From Bluetooth® to 无线 USB to 无线个域网 to 射频识别 and all the various 802.11个标准,包括超宽带(802).15)和WiMax (802).产品,我们都看过了. We operate an FCC-certified Telecommunications 认证 Body to expedite your formal grant of approval and get your product to market on schedule.

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im体育APP is one of the largest independent 电磁兼容测试 companies in the world. Find out about our comprehensive testing capabilities in the UK, Germany, US and Korea.



im体育APP’s 汽车 电磁兼容测试 services ensure the safety and compatibility of your electric components, 系统和组件.


物联网(物联网)测试 & 认证

Our 物联网 testing services cover a wide range of wireless devices including radios, 无线网络, 射频识别, 无线个域网, 蓝牙和BLE设备, 客户来自各行各业.


nebs3级 & 电讯基建测试

Assure emergency network reliability for a variety of common incidents, such as earthquake and fire.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.


im体育APP 弗里蒙特专业知识

EMI / EMC & 无线测试

As the Bay Area’s premier product compliance and regulatory 实验室oratory, im体育APP 弗里蒙特 helps customers save time and money by helping them achieve compliance requirements quickly and efficiently.  We enable you to bring products to the global markets without delay. By providing everything from pre-compliance testing to 国际批准, we are the ultimate one-stop shop for compliance and regulatory testing.  im体育APP服务于航空航天, 空间与卫星, 电信, 医疗, 汽车, 国防, 物联网, 以及消费电子im体育平台app下载.


• 电磁兼容测试 for 汽车 components and sub-assemblies
• Radiated Susceptibility ~ 100 V/m (Frequency Range: 10 kHz to 18 GHz)
•辐射发射~ 30hz至40ghz
• AC & 电信端口浪涌
• Airborne Acoustic Noise and Structure-Borne Noise
• Worldwide homologation/certification processing project management

With a massive 10-meter chamber - along with access to top EMI / EMC experts - im体育APP 弗里蒙特 can accommodate almost any type of customer testing need.


From Bluetooth® to 无线 USB to 无线个域网 to 射频识别 and all the various 802.11个标准,包括超宽带(802).15)和WiMax (802).产品,我们都看过了. We operate an FCC-certified Telecommunications 认证 Body to expedite your formal grant of approval and get your product to market on schedule.

除了, im体育APP 弗里蒙特 currently provides Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) testing services to manufacturers of 802.11(a/n) devices and other wireless technologies that operate in the 5GHz range. 无线服务包括无线电需求, DFS testing and certifications for North America via our in-house TCB. For the 欧洲an Union, we can issue Notified Body Opinions specific to the R&TTE指令及 无线电设备指令,RED. 一旦你有了RED报告, let us help you complete the global approvals to market your new product worldwide.  

A summary of key wireless testing and certification services avai实验室le at the im体育APP 弗里蒙特:
• Performance 测试: An evaluation of radio performance (such as Spurious Emissions, 权力, 带宽, 稳定, 自适应性, 接收机阻塞, 等.) versus regulatory authority requirements using industry standards.
• Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) 测试: An evaluation of a device operating in the 5250-5350 MHz or
• 5470-5725MHz band to detect local military, emergency service, or radar signals.
• Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) Calculation: Used instead of SAR when a product is not used within 20cm of the end user.
• Telecommunication Certified Body: US and Canadian certifications for licensed and unlicensed radio products.
• Notified Body: Formal Type Examination Certificates for CE marking of radio communications devices per RED Directive.
• Over-the-Air Antenna 测试: perform sensitivity measurements to illustrate how internal components are affecting RF radio performance, thus allowing product developers to see where the issues are during normal operation and how they are impacting the product’s performance.
• Global market approvals/International type approvals, including project management of testing in-country when required.

As experts in wireless testing, im体育APP 弗里蒙特 is accredited by the following organizations:

• American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
• Innovation Science and Economic 发展 Canada (ISEDC)
• 澳大利亚n Communications Media Authority (ACMA)
• Taiwan's National Communications Commission (NCC)
• Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)
• Taiwan’s BSMI, Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and 检查

The primary technologies for which the im体育APP 弗里蒙特 performs wireless testing includes:
•z - wave
•无线局域网(WLAN - 802).11)


im体育APP 弗里蒙特 customers are able to get expert program management and engineering services to help them comply with the most demanding nebs3级 standards. 结果是, customers can reduce instances of non-compliance during the development of a product, which helps minimize any delays in getting it to market. 主要的nebs3级测试服务包括:

• Full Range of nebs3级 测试 Capabilities in One Location
• Alignment of All nebs3级 Test reports with RBOC Requirements

im体育APP 弗里蒙特 provides large-scale engineering services and program management to help you understand and comply with the most stringent nebs3级 standards.







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